RFG Magazine
Support and guidance of journalists with a refugee background on their path to a stronger position in the Dutch labor market.
Crossing a border is referred to as a ‘game’. So there’s a train game, a bus game and a truck game. The film Shadow Game is a poignant and painful depiction of how Europe deals with children who are looking for a safe haven. It is a raw and personal story with universal themes that young people in particular can relate to. The Fred Foundation is supporting the impact Shadow Game promotes:
The young people tell their own stories in this film, bringing you in close because it’s not solely about being a refugee. It makes you aware of the violence at Europe’s borders and gives you the understanding and leverage to take action.
Support and guidance of journalists with a refugee background on their path to a stronger position in the Dutch labor market.
Media Defence provides legal help to journalists, citizen journalists and independent media across the world.
Promoting the freedom, pluralism and independence of journalism: